Forums - Ever seen a 50%,90%, &100% chip combo? I can do them all Show all 198 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Ever seen a 50%,90%, &100% chip combo? I can do them all ( Posted by golden nismor on 02:28:2001 12:38 AM: Sups folks, yups thats the new shit now a days, chipper like hell! ME (golden nismor) and darkumas both got that crazy "combo" down. And plenty of witnesses at the fun factory have seen me do this insane combo. Well i'm not gonna post it here just yet, it'll be interesting to see what you peeps think about this. BTW i'm for reals about this tatic, PEACE! -golden nismor Posted by Red_venom on 02:28:2001 12:47 AM: Well, if your only chipping then it wouldnt be a combo. Sounds like you found a trap or some other amazing "tatic." lol, no offense, but I dont think anyone cares, and the fact that you did not say what you are doing for such an insane amount of chip wont help matters. One could guess that you are using like Kobun, BB Hood, and Iron Man and just doing a triple super. Posted by golden nismor on 02:28:2001 01:04 AM: good guess red-venom but no cheese i don't use any of those characters and in fact i use only single supers. Put it this way if i only use two of my supers with this tatic chip damage is over 55%. Just another interesting fact if i have 5 supers and do this tatic, i will build up a 6th super in doing so, cool huh! -gn Posted by TheRedCyclone on 02:28:2001 01:10 AM: i think ur talking about with SS doing his ice sword however many times, then doing his QCF+kk ice super. and if u get someone in the right place it cant chip of a HELL OF ALOT of health. am i right? close? way off? The Cyclone formally known as TeTsujin03. Posted by Kelomaniac on 02:28:2001 01:17 AM: Hum ..... I never seen no 50% to 100% combo! PLEASE tell me how you do it! PLEASE!!! Wait do you mean chip damage? Where you never hit your opponent but take 100%? Hum ... I seen this! WOW! Wait I'm confuse. Can you just help me here guy! PLEASE. I want to be a master like you! Posted by Spiral King on 02:28:2001 01:29 AM: for some reason.. i dont believe you. Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:28:2001 01:44 AM: I think you are full of shit until you post the "combo." So prove me wrong and post it. "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by darkumas on 02:28:2001 02:51 AM: Ok ppl, the reason why we do not post the trap is for one reason only. Surprise. If i sent srk a tape of the damn thing then the whole world would know and we would not have any thing to show at B5. get the picture yet? We are not so much as bragging, but rather stating hey cool we found something new and interesting. If i remember correctly my posted yesterday stated that there are 2 ways out of the trap but only 1 will guarantee u get out safely the other ways u will end up dying. i am a good cable player and ken player and i cannot super out of the damn thing. we tried every counter and super u could think of to try and stop it and im telling u right now it cannot be done except at one point. that is a much as i will give away. Some of u seem to be interested in what this trap is and have an open mind towards it. the rest of u are like, BS blah blah blah we know it all, if duc and valle aint doing it then it cannot be real. ehhe gimme a break. now dont get me wrong i think those two are top notch players but they dont know it all and neither do I. But as GN stated it is a very nasty trap and it will kill u when i say 95% it was tested on sentinel on default that means damage was on setting 2. doom, colossus, thanos, black heart all took just around 95% 97% everyone else died. It is a trap that we are still testing and working and reworking to ensure lockdown and good chip. Believe me when i tell you i would luv to post it on this forum, send a tape or something. just so i can add to the community and not take all the time, but unfortunetly i cannot, because we need things that noone as seen or heard of b4 in order to win or to properly place at B5. That in itself should tell you ppl that we show u some degree of respect and feel we need to be in top shape to take u on. Anyways enough rambling. Darkumas All who oppose me shall die. Simple enough? Posted by Chocobo on 02:28:2001 02:53 AM: coughcoughbullshitcough... Posted by SyberNinja on 02:28:2001 03:06 AM: I am not saying you guys didn't figure it out...if you did thats great! But it is highly unlikely...prove me wrong and i will say i am sorry,I am not trying to put anyone down b/c anyone can figure something out...i just don't see where your doing anything that chips to death...unless you finnally heard about strider/doom lol don't run from will just die tired...§N Posted by The Green Trench Coat on 02:28:2001 03:12 AM: Darkumas.. nismor.. LOL.. I know what you are talking about at least one version of the 100% chip. My team saw this for ourselves, and it almost brought a tear to my eye. We're gonna destroy cable lol. there is only one character that seems to be able to get out but not without a truck load of damage. So maybe we haven't perfected the technique but we're working on it. Also we've discovered a few rather, interesting developments.... Interesting indeed. But yes I totally understand about keeping this under wraps and I'll keep this quiet on this end also. We're actually planning on unveiling this during ECC6 though. Pending us perfecting it that is. Keep up the good work guys. Ken Masters, Proving once and for all that it's okay to be gay. Posted by golden nismor on 02:28:2001 03:36 AM: Amen Darky! I couldn't have said it any better bro. I've been further investigating this matter kid and love it every time its done For the rest of you guys, no worries in only a matter of time shall you see the powers of GN & DARKUMAS AT B5. picture this block once, release the joystick and your character will remain in block stun for the remainder of his life, as he is chipped to death (100%) you can sip your soda or even strecth out you body LOL! ain't shitt'n you, watch darky and I do this and you'll be like what the fuck? 'gotta go to pearls nows' -golden nismor Posted by anna williams on 02:28:2001 03:44 AM: since i am not a greedy asshole like everyone else here is a team super when totally blocked does insane chip damage. you use anakaris(ground),spiral(ground),bb hood(antiair). now just put the computer to block all and watch how much chip damage that does. it does almost three fours thier bar. just off of chipp damage. hope you guys like it. Posted by ej_333 on 02:28:2001 03:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by darkumas: We are not so much as bragging, but rather stating hey cool we found something new and interesting. No, you guys are bragging. Posted by Shin-Mech-Brian on 02:28:2001 04:00 AM: *gives golf clap* SPANK ME! Posted by golden nismor on 02:28:2001 04:06 AM: sorry anna williams! good try though but thats not team i use to do it and again i only use single supers. again use two super bars and thats 55% block damage at the least -gn Posted by Juggrknott on 02:28:2001 04:10 AM: Not saying I don't believe it or anything...I have no reason to doubt what you're saying.... ...but if you're 'saving it for B5', then why not save it for B5? Why bring up something you have absolutely no interest in really discussing? You just like pulling people's chains or something? Anyway, if it's all that, and you plan to bring it to B5, I'm sure I'll hear about it online somewhere (probably here). I can wait 'till then... -Jugg Posted by llllllllll on 02:28:2001 04:22 AM: red you're wayyyyyyyyy off. strider, a trap somewhat like it in a sense. buhahahahahahahahahahaha! this trap was very easy to conjure up. could spoil it but should be coined by its creators. anyways, i believe, like all traps = semi, not matter if practiced to perfection (even the strider/do0m, cable/bh,etc.), that is, (there's always a downfall or a string attached) if you don't mind losing a valued team member, 2 of your characters half life, etc. the odds from there, slim to none(exaggerations), but pure exihilaration. the super meter rises at an i-rate! - gt coat, hopefully, your your name as well, as your perfected cable decimating life-draining trap, like the one here vaguely mentioned, is posted on for winning the ecc. rocks flying everywhere! wtf?! <xxxxxxxx{}========] Posted by KusanagiClan on 02:28:2001 04:38 AM: I agree with Juggrknott and several other people about how your bringing this crap up with no intention on revealing what it is, seems like yet another attempt to up your own egoes or something. Although if this method is all new and never before seen as you make it out to be, I'd be very interested in seeing this. Although you all may be overestimating your own discovery a tad too much. As I recall the US team brought back information about a pure lockdown using sabretooth and spiral from japan, meaning this incredible chip you speak of has already been discovered in different forms. Another thing that may put a damper on your plans, is that, won't other things such as infinites do just as well? Look at Scott A's ironman(may be wrong on it being scott), he pumps out infinites like they are for free, and with about 30-40 hits, you can bet that significant damage has been dealt. Especially considering the ease at which those infinites come out, that is something that has been around for a long time that is to be feared just as much. Don't count your chickens before they hatch... The killing fields of Ca... Posted by darkumas on 02:28:2001 05:04 AM: Heya =) Look, its easy to get misunderstood on the net, with all these words and stuff its hard to tell how the person is saying what he/she is trying to say. (hope that makes sense). Some of you really need to take a chill pill tho, joo get so riled up over nuthing. We posted something and some of you just go off like a loose cannon, sheesh =). Maybe ill just put it plainly ( this might offend some of you ). Some of u on these boards, are open to new ideas and suggestions and try to understand what the other player is trying to say and try to help. But the rest of ya hehehe Soooo narrow minded it aint funny. If you cant do it or duc and valle or viscant cant do it then it aint possible. hehe. i spoke to those guys several times, and they some cooool peeps man. cant wait to meet em, they act nuthing like how some ppl claim them to be. kinda funny =). anyways enough rambling again. This doesnt apply to everyone that replied to this post or any of my or nismor's other posts. its all fun ppl, lets not lose sight of that =) Darkumas Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by Terazon on 02:28:2001 05:32 AM: Since You're intending to turn this lockdown on players at B5, and that's in the States, feel free to E-mail me it using the corner marker on the panel on this E-mail bar. I live in Calgary Alberta Canada and it isn't likely that you will ever see me use it. In addition, I [if it works ] WILL VOW NEVER TO REVEAL IT TO ANYONE if I find out it works. I have very serious doubts as to if it will work as well as you say, but I'm opened minded enough to look and honerable enough to keep a secret. This stems from the fact I know about some triples that when comboed into kill instantly. One of these destroys almost half life via chip. I agree about one thing. I would never put something this deadly on a website this popular if I intended to use it to earn money in a tourney unless I already used it and the tourney was over. That would be stupid. [This message has been edited by Terazon (edited 02-27-2001).] Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 02:28:2001 05:37 AM: u know after all this talk the man still didn't tell us his "wonderful combo" yet!! Posted by Cletus Kasady on 02:28:2001 05:42 AM: I'm positive that it involves SS/Doom. Possibly with Sentinel in here. The one that I'm betting on is... S.Fierce (Call B-Doom) XX Fierce-Shuriken EX Super Shuriken, Fierce-Shuriken EX Super Shuriken DHC Hyper Sentinel Force, D.S.Jab (Call B-Doom) -> S.Strong XX Fierce-Rocket Punch EX Hyper Sentinel Force DHC Electric Pulsar (That big blue ball). Closest I can think of. - Cletus Kasady Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 02:28:2001 05:57 AM: if u get like bb hood and another bb hood and set the level to like 4 or 5 u get like a 75% block damage wif it and i if u add like spiral's super u get like 100% thatz all i can think of Posted by Iceman on 02:28:2001 06:12 AM: I'm assuming Strider/Doom until I hear otherwise. Posted by darkumas on 02:28:2001 06:20 AM: hey nis, think we should at least tell them the characters? tho i doubt they would still figure it out. and for the last time its not a combo, its not intended to be combo, its sole purpose is to chip. the way how we set it up is so u are forced to block thats it. Ill see if i can make it into irc tonight maybe talk to a couple of peeps in there. real nice ppl there =). try and stop by nis. Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 02:28:2001 06:20 AM: until you do that trap on me, i don't care.. like every sane people here say, if you ain't gonna reveal it, don't mention it. by having this "secret" trap that "nobody has ever" though of, and being a lockdown till death, then KEEP IT A SECRET. god, you guys think by knowing something others don't, that you'll be having your asses licked and your games worshiped. uh huh.... go win a tournament.. you'll win more ass-kissers that way.. and stop with this stupid fucking posts saying "oohh, i can CHIP YOU TO DEATH!!" it's already like the third one. if you ain't gonna say anything about it, stfu and stay that way, and IMPRESS US at the tourneys.. stop stirring up wild goose chases when you aren't even gonna give away the "secret".. oh, btw, who cares about a lockdown that does 100% chip with 5 superbars when spiral/sabertooth can do it for FREE while building up meter? and your thinkings are corrupted too.. "oh, if they know this exist, then they'll always get out of it".. yep, that is why EVERYONE can get out of grav-tempest.. that is why everyone can get out of spiral sword traps.. that is why everyone can avoid ahvb.. this is fucking stupid. i'm not even curious anymore.. yes i was.. but now, wish i had admin power.. cause NEGATIVE KARMA TIME!! WHEEEEEE hehe o(o.o)0 0(o.o)o ------------------ o(o.o)-0(*.0)-o if u dn't gt ths, go fc xr ttrl n pwrhg. Posted by PsiANyd on 02:28:2001 06:26 AM: It could be the Cable Spiral trap which is a bit dated. But most likely if they are getting that amount of block damage with only two bars then it's hard to imagine it being anyone but SS. But then again since they will not even state the characters speculation seems pointless. Ah well. "I brought a walking stick. CANE you believe it?" - Miaka Posted by anna williams on 02:28:2001 06:38 AM: sorry man but i was not guessing at your little surprise you have for all of us. i was just saying a good team super that does excellent chip damage that is all. so get off your high horse before i help you off. i was not trying to guess your team but you guessed wrong. i could give two shits about you and your little secret man. i don't know you and i will prolly never meet you so i don't FUCKING CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Spiral King on 02:28:2001 06:45 AM: its kobun.. isn't it... yeah... cmon... i see that smile weeeeeeee.... Posted by wuyum on 02:28:2001 08:03 AM: blah blha, no one cares, so drop this pointless topic, they prob be whomped by some newbie button mashing scrub tryn to do this "secret" chip method., well latas "[Cable/Spiral/Sentinel/Dr.Doom/BlackHeart/Storm/Magneto] The Best Team, if only it were possible..." \\//\\// [] []_ []_ [] //=\\ //\\//\\ Posted by Truedragon on 02:28:2001 08:17 AM: GN how did you get outta your cage? Anyway if its gonna be a secret keep it that way, your not the only one with secrets you know. I also don't really care what it is either, if it involves a certain set of characters than its probably garbage. Posted by blt on 02:28:2001 08:52 AM: I have seen this myself! It is just way too good... this trap is total bullshit and will own anyone and everyone at B5. Well I won't reveal it but I will say that I will be killing everyone in b5 with it. Later Posted by knives on 02:28:2001 09:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by blt: I have seen this myself! It is just way too good... this trap is total bullshit and will own anyone and everyone at B5. Well I won't reveal it but I will say that I will be killing everyone in b5 with it. Later SNK groove Iori kills that shit. A r o u n d t h e w o r l d Posted by Strider Hiryu on 02:28:2001 09:05 AM: Man, i thought we were done with all these scrub players from Hawaii and how they would supposedly "own" everybody at b5... Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by Monkeyking on 02:28:2001 09:57 AM: lets at least see some names...u said earlier that it wouldn't matter anywayz...cuz we're all too dumb to figure it come on... Posted by SuperVegitto on 02:28:2001 10:54 AM: To all youse trapping people people : I hear there's this new thing now. I think it's called COUNTER but i'm not really sure. Anyone else heard of this? COUNTER. I AM SUPER VEGITTO! Posted by VenomFang on 02:28:2001 11:59 AM: Haha guys... whatever it is, it sure isn't Strider/Doom... Strider/Doom is more efficient than whatever they're rambling about. vf not again!! Posted by CykoClops on 02:28:2001 01:22 PM: you can't trust golden nismor, cause he once bragged about his rushdown ken... but at tourney level ken wouldn't really stand a chance against the pros... i've played a good rushdown ken before and i got my ass whipped, but after practicing u'll find out it's pretty easy to counter... whatever that chipping thing is, let us know.. until then ur tagged as a loser Posted by Initial_D on 02:28:2001 01:24 PM: i dunno what you guys are talking bout but down here, ever since that dhalsim player guy left, everyone has been doing traps. and we figured out something to that extent with sent/doom. it has to be a corner trap i believe where doom comes out with his AAA and then sentinel just does his punches nonstop. rinse and repeat. down here, the damage level is kinda high but it does take out close to that amount. if you guys are talking bout this trap, it's already figured out. i guess not much ppl know bout it yet. btw, there are ways out of that trap. easy ways at that. it all lies in the alpha countering. -I am too good to give up or pass up on...just see for yourself- Posted by HyperViperSniper on 02:28:2001 03:58 PM: Okay I am going to break this down for everyone here to read... GN first of all you know yourself that half the shit on this board posted about you ...IS YOU. Secondly you brag and brag and brag... and brag and brag and brag somemore then claim it ISNT bragging... Okay you know what.. a REAL man would admit when he is bragging about something..YOU on the other hand just continue to do it and wont admit to it.. Here we are on a message board where everyone shares information with each other.. the top players post their tournament matches for everyone to download and watch.. Do they care if you know their strategy?? probably know why? For every good strategy you have..someone else has another.. get this.. Block can just let go and get chipped to death? Isnt that what was said about Strider/Doom 2 months ago? didnt everyone find a way out of it somehow? yes..pretty much.. I highly doubt you have this ONE SUPERIOR lockdown that will own everyone.. what if they dont block.. peep this.. You are going for this lockdown life sucker move..while they jump your character and keep you in rushdown because all you know how to do is that trap?? how does that sound.. I read this thinking you were going to supply us with some of your vast knowledge..but again I was laced with this bullshit you always post.. GN get over yourself... You havent played anyone good to have braggin rights yet... oh yeah...whats up with all that Hawaii stuff in the matchmaking section??? its like 20 topics about Hawaii on the first page on any given day.. Its not like you guys are the size of texas!!! ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! <IMG SRC=""> [This message has been edited by HyperViperSniper (edited 02-28-2001).] Posted by Bruton on 02:28:2001 06:23 PM: Two levels of super for mad chipping? That sounds like "my" chipping team: Spiral(Gamma)/ServBot(Gamma)/Doom(Beta): Wall of Swords, dash up with S.LP, S.LP, S.FP(calling Doom-variations in normal attacks sometimes), cancel S.FP into swords, Wall of Swords again, S.LP, S.LP, S.FP XX A1/A2 at two levels of super(or below three levels and above two). Spiral builds super like mad, Spiral and Doom do mad chipping while building super and Spiral/ServBot use the super to chip some more, with ServBot usually protecting Spiral if you position her right. And by using two levels instead of three, you get more efficient chipping and Doom doesn't stick around to screw everything up with that worthless upwards super. ServBot is used because his super does the most out of all the practical chipping supers and he can protect Spiral with positioning. Of course he chips the most on tall characters who stand, as more ServBots hit(they said tested against Sentinel). Nobody stands though, and this team doesn't really have fantastic assists like most others. And if you don't position right, Spiral stands around after the ServBots are gone, and that's NOT a good thing. But it does chip. -Bruton Posted by Iceman on 02:28:2001 07:03 PM: If it's Spiral/Sabretooth I'm laughing hard at you, cause that shit is old news now. Hell, I can almost do it. Posted by golden nismor on 02:28:2001 07:31 PM: Ahh so many peeps here so frustrated on this topic. Most just need to chill out! And about bragging, i guess you can call it that, but you see bragging by definition is like: when someone can do or have something and your ass ain't got shit PERIOD! i started this post just to see what other peeps had in mind about this chipper topic. BTW only one guy is very close to the mad chip game hawaii gots, ahh hint hint... Note for most of you suckas here i would luv to challenge your sorry two cent ass, hell i'd even pay for your games. well gotta go oh yeah remember my name and remember the chipper 100% -gn Posted by legend on 02:28:2001 07:37 PM: Hmm sounds like the Sabertooth, spiral out sabertoot assist and sprials swords...if they hit at the right time your stuck in permanent block stun...its very hard to do though so i wouldnt worry about it in tourny play=) Power Up! Posted by golden nismor on 02:28:2001 07:43 PM: Yo legend good try kid, but no cheese! spiral/sabertooth takes way too long to chip you to death, the team i use takes about ten seconds to do the job and then TKO! btw saber tooth sucks, i don't use no suckas on my team! -gn Posted by Strider Hiryu on 02:28:2001 07:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Ahh so many peeps here so frustrated on this topic. Most just need to chill out! And about bragging, i guess you can call it that, but you see bragging by definition is like: when someone can do or have something and your ass ain't got shit PERIOD! i started this post just to see what other peeps had in mind about this chipper topic. BTW only one guy is very close to the mad chip game hawaii gots, ahh hint hint... Note for most of you suckas here i would luv to challenge your sorry two cent ass, hell i'd even pay for your games. well gotta go oh yeah remember my name and remember the chipper 100% -gn There's a difference between bragging and talking shit... Idiot.. As if you claiming Ken was the best character in the game wasnt enough, along comes this bullshit... Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by Initial_D on 02:28:2001 07:50 PM: Golden Nismor: is the trap/chip thingie i said above the one you're talking bout? cuz if so, it's kinda old news here.... -I am too good to give up or pass up on...just see for yourself- Posted by golden nismor on 02:28:2001 08:08 PM: initial D (will) r you coming to pearls today or what bro? -gn Posted by Mike D on 02:28:2001 09:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Anything is possible... Oh and I hope you're not talking about the Cable/Storm lockdown. ============================================= Damn!!! My favorite x-men team gotta represent!!! Posted by Mike D on 02:28:2001 09:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Anything is possible... Oh and I hope you're not talking about the Cable/Storm lockdown. ============================================= Damn!!! My favorite x-men team gotta represent!!! -Sigh- Posted by darkumas on 02:28:2001 09:38 PM: Initial_D, (will) =( You dissapoint me man. and aint no damn way out, thats gonna stop it or guarantee you safety cept for that on instance. And to beleive you would come out and here and try to give it away to these ppl kinda pisses me off man, no one sent you out here to deliver anything. And for the rest of u ppl, the characters are sentinel and doom. And like i stated in an ealier topic the supers are not needed to do the job.Lets see no super =30% of ur life one shot blam done nuff said no countering no assisting just watch it go away then get pissed try to rush down get smacked back and process is repeated now ur down 60%. It amazes me how narrow minded some of u are. kobun, SS, servbot wtf? like i said tho "The great all knowing players" in the other states. gimme a break! Darkumas. Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by blt on 02:28:2001 09:42 PM: like i said, as a hawaiian player i can attest to this awesome lockdown chip !!! in like 5 seconds you lose your whole lifebar to one huge chipping pattern! it is amazing!!!!!!! Posted by Juggrknott on 02:28:2001 09:58 PM: You can't really blame people for being skeptical. The way you presented it made it seem dubious, and people have been known to present the next great abusable strat only to have it exposed as either total bullshit or not nearly as foolproof/effective as it was claimed to be. So you'll have to excuse folks if they don't just up and assume what you've said is total MvC2 gospel and not to be questioned, especially if you're not going to go into detail about it any more than that. Secondly, you can't really get mad at your friend for almost exposing your great secret. Like I said earlier, if you didn't really want to discuss it, then you should have just kept it to yourself rather than talking in Team Hawaii code and vague references. This would have avoided the whole fiasco. Hope it works, because you've really put yourself out there. Good luck at B5. -Jugg Posted by darkumas on 02:28:2001 11:17 PM: Bleh, Hate it when someone else is right @ You have a point tho jugg, ppl do have the right to be skeptical, But as i stated man, it was not my trap to discuss, i just found its weaknesses, and it aint that many. but enough, point taken, on to the next topic @ Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 02:32 AM: Hey darky sups bro! No worries man. You know how some peeps are just dumb asses sometimes. ( Like uhh initial D). Nothing to get mad at, cuz its all good dog. Hey darky its funny how Will tries to make like this stuff me and you do is old stuff. Thats fuckin bullshit man. I know for a fact that me and you have never ever fuckin seen Will do what we do and with the technical factors involved; that timing, positioning and etc invloved in this chipper. Will always tries to make like what ever you do is old shit, outdated, and on and on, he just tries to put you down. Thats not cool cuz first of all mvc2 is all about fun and 2nd what the fuck man "I thought we were friends in all" I guess i see the real truth now, hope you do too darky! BTW i caught Will in this chipper yesterday at pearls (it ate about a good 60% of chip life off his cable LOL!) love that combo chipper. This is for all of you out there: my team has always been the AKA TEAM-ALL STARS(hint they can handle all teams): ken(aaa),sentinel(gamma),doom(aaa). I've always been doing crazy chipper game with this team, but know have i come closer to perfection with them. Also darkys team (fear this team) of : doom,blkhrt,sentinel utilizes this chipper game. what about Will? ah who fuckin really knows, hell if YOU WANT WILL, YOU CAN TAKE THE CREDIT FOR THIS MAGNIFICINT CHIP GAME, ITS ALL YOURS BUDDY! You know why cuz its all good to me cuz FUCKIN EVERYONE AT PEARLS KNOWS THE TRUTH! LOL go ahead -golden nismor "hey darky, its all good man, you and me and plenty of others at pearls all knows whats up!" Posted by Cletus Kasady on 03:01:2001 02:45 AM: I'm still positive I have it (Or at least one of the 100% chip combos). The problem is that when I try it out in training mode, they recover plenty of the life even though I've still got them in blockstun, so I can't test out whether or not it is 100% or just 97%. That, and having to build and burn 5 levels with SS to kill one character is impractical. And it actually changes a bit (I modified it). With Sentinel, after you are DHC'ed in, you do D.S.Jab -> S.Strong (Call Doom on the first hit) XX (Off the 2nd hit) Short-Sentinel Force, D.S.Jab -> S.Strong XX Fierce-Rocket Punch EX Hyper Sentinel Force DHC Electric Pulsar. - Cletus Kasady Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 03:11 AM: cleutus kasady (hope i spelled it right) hey kid sounds like your practicing it bro, good! just to let you know KASADY if this technique is done properly, even in training mode, your opponent will be in block stun, his life meter will have NO time to recover (cuz its true block stun, no moves can be done except countering), and the chip will be 100%. I know it sounds impractical to have 5 supers just to kill one guy, but look at cable it takes like 3-5 AHVB to kill peeps, BTW usually sentinel will have like 2-3 supers built and that right there is 55-75% chip damage. Fuck thats good enough for me especially when playin against cable. Kasady if you want to DL's on this crazy chipper let me know kid, you sound worthy bro. -gn Posted by anna williams on 03:01:2001 04:55 AM: yo golden boy with that great chipping game of yours. sorry to say but i had to stop and think of where i saw this at and then i remembered it was up in R.I.T. that's right man and i saw it about a month ago. so good try but that shit is old man. maybe you should go up to R.I.T in rochester,new york sometime and see how they play man. they are mad good and they are some of the best from the east coast too. sorry man but i know for a fact that you are going to get a big head and talk all this mad shit now but that's ok though. because you know what my friends jamie and jeff from up there told me step by step on how to get out of it. but then again if i told everyone how to do it there would go your shot at being top shit at b5. all well man maybe i will just have to let everyone know. oh ya to bad if you use that against anyone using bb hood it won't work because all they have to do is the d,d+any kick to just crawl underneith it scott free. don't say that it won't work because we just tested it about twenty minutes ago. so have fun with your secret man. oh ya have a nice day Posted by anna williams on 03:01:2001 05:01 AM: one more thing man i forgot to mention that dhalsim gets right around this trap by just sj, air dash up ,teleport rinse wash repeat. so there are many ways out of it u guys just havn't thought of them all yet. but i have to give you props because it is a very nice trap indeed. so thumbs up to the trap. thumbs down to saying there is only one safe way out of it. oh ya remember have a nice day Posted by Cletus Kasady on 03:01:2001 05:20 AM: anna: Once you start the pseudo-combo, Dhalsim has no way out but to counter to a different character. Of course, this is a useful way to avoid it since if you're going with the SS/Sentinel/Doom team, the main character that keeps you from getting into that range is Doom, and he most likely won't be in. nismor: Cool to know I'm worthy . Yeah, if you've got a movie of it (I assume that's what you mean by DL), I'd appreciate it. - Cletus Kasady Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 03:01:2001 05:47 AM: hmm, i wonder why you cant PUSHBLOCK the sentinel's SLOW ASS PUNCHES, and jump over doom.. strider/doom is much more efficient, since this is a trap, unlike what SEEMS like a bunch of moves strung together the people just take it in the ass where many people can get out.. if i'm cable, i pushblock your punch, AHVB your doom and you while you do your mini-drones... Good game... i hope you truly feel sad at B5 when you have paid hundreds of dollars to lose all your games using your ken. oh well o(o.o)0 0(o.o)o ------------------ o(o.o)-0(*.0)-o if u dn't gt ths, go fc xr ttrl n pwrhg. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:01:2001 06:49 AM: You know if this shit was coming from someone other than Golden Nismor I might belive it.. BTW wasnt it Nismor that posted a topic about a month ago about him lying and asking everyone to forgive him? hmmm Oh Yeah BLT have you done this trick up @ Gametime ..if so I think I will make a drive up there and see if anyone is doing it..since its a real chip and shit Oh yeah GN...your shit is getting old... you bragged about Ken then just stopped with no proof whatsoever that you OWN anyone with Ken... Now you have this bullshit... hope you grow up one day... ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by psx2000 on 03:01:2001 07:06 AM: yo hyper viper sniper love that new tag of yours. Posted by State of Nature on 03:01:2001 07:17 AM: It's daunting reading Nismor's little makes sense, so much is badly written, and there are almost too many incorrect points to address, I never know where to start. 1. OK, how about with bragging. How could he ever deny bragging? Look at the name of this post for God's sake. Nismor on braggin: "And about bragging, i guess you can call it that, but you see bragging by definition is like: when someone can do or have something and your ass ain't got shit PERIOD!" That makes no sense, and it is definitely not the definition of bragging. Justin Wong can do plenty of stuff that I can't do, and he can make a lot of players seem like they have nothing, but Justin Wong doesn't brag. I'm sure this is true of the West Coast players at high levels too. 2. Chipping. I don't see why anybody should believe what Nismor says about chipping. On, he claimed that Ken had a great chipping game. That's right, Ken. 3. Five levels of super needed to kill somebody. I'm sorry, but I'm not impressed. Spiral-Sabretooth takes no supers, and builds meter to boot. Five supers? C'mon, a team of T.Bonne, Kobun, and BBHood DHCing five times, lunch rush, lunch rush, cool hunting, lunch rush, lunch rush does almost the same amount. Who cares. 4. Secrets. It sounds like this lockdown has been done elsewhere, so there was no need to keep it secret. Also, if you wanted to keep it secret, why make a post about it here? Third, for such a powerful secret, it sure got revealed quickly. 5. Hawaiians. For all the Hawaiians who claim to have seen Nismor's godlike Ken, or amazing chip trap, telling us you have seen it does nothing. Most people think you are Nismor under another name, and even if they don't, you are still total nobodies, so you don't add any credibility. Just thought I'd let you know. 6. Chipping is not a combo. The fact that the people claiming to be chipping gods call chipping a combo shows how little they know. 7. Nismor's response: Nismor, unless you are going to address any of the above 6 points, in a logical manner, don't bother. I've read your flames, and none of them have any substance. You can write a million "LOL, zups bro! PERIOD. Ken rules! I did your mom! LOL" responses, but unless you address people's legitimate questions, expect to be laughed off again, just like your "rushdown Ken" was. Posted by psx2000 on 03:01:2001 07:55 AM: ouch state of nature well im from hawaii i dont want to be associated with any of the other hawaii players i guess u can say im my own player i just do my own thing and mind my own buis i dont like to get involved in flame wars etc,etc. But i can see everyones point in all this . I seen nismor play and ill say he does win a lot and all i never really watched him a whole lot u but i seen his ken do a hurricane kick and it did alike 60 percent damage it could be cause the machine damage is so high where he plays, i will vouch also that the other people that post are most likley real people probably other people that play with him or something. I just figure i straighten some of this out. As for me i dont know them i just see them when i stop by the arcade at times. I can understand your beef though about if u dont respond then expect people to flame u etc,etc. I just wish everyone just chill out and relax and maybe everyone on the board will stop flaming each other left and right .You guys made a good point that is about sharing knowledge and it aint cool when u dont share. Posted by WGallahad on 03:01:2001 08:41 AM: i don' think that hte BLT that is supporting this trap is the same BLT that we all know at Gametime HVS. THis BLT says that he lives in Hawaii, and last time i checked the BLT we know lived in Richmond. ANyways, it seems this was all hype from the start. Whatever game plan anyone develops and thinks is a secret and shit, you should all know that hte BEST players, (Duc, Valle, and so forth) can adapt during the game. So just cause they haven't seen it doesn't mean it'll beat them. You never know what those people will come up with, they excel at adapting, nough said. Just call me "UnderDrive" Posted by Initial_D on 03:01:2001 11:11 AM: WHO THE FUCK IS WILL!?!!??!? well just wait till the end of my school year and come down there for UH. i got a scholarship offer!!! i'm from baldwin high school...just to let you peepz know. -I am too good to give up or pass up on...just see for yourself- Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 03:01:2001 12:32 PM: ooops. double post. [This message has been edited by Limp_Bizkit666 (edited 03-01-2001).] Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 03:01:2001 12:35 PM: PPPUUUUSSSSHHHH BLLOCCKKKKKKK why isn't nobody mentioning this??? why are my posts being ignored? cause they are correct? cause it undermines your "unbeatable secret that nobody else has and thus your only ticket to fame"? cause you guys suck? i don't know.. maybe all of the above. yer like the frog in a pond... hawaii doesn't have anyone who has being tourney experience, and thus doesn't have anyone who can lead the way. also they don't have the massive comp... don't know.. i really hope to see you hawaiian guys at B5.. i'm sure you guys have new stuff to show, but this bullshit is getting annoying.. i'm not saying you guys aren't skilled, i'm not saying you guys suck for being in hawaii. what i'm saying is that YOU GUYS can't say you are the best when you haven't proved anything. it also sucks when people like nismor and golden nismor [same people IMO] who says stupid ass shits and thus muds the rest of hawaii... sadflkjsajf done o(o.o)0 0(o.o)o ------------------ o(o.o)-0(*.0)-o if u dn't gt ths, go fc xr ttrl n pwrhg. Posted by CykoClops on 03:01:2001 12:53 PM: notice how Blacksmaru and golden nismor signed up to at the same day? and they're both the same person? well look at golden nismor and darkumas, they're registered dates are only 4 days seperated apart..... in other words, GN stop sucking ur own cock! Posted by psx2000 on 03:01:2001 12:59 PM: actually i some of them arent the same people. i aint there backing them up but i will admit they aint the same on that one thing as for there means of posting the tatics and thoughts of how good they feel they will do at b5 i aint going to say anything im just going to let them say what they want on that and just keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. Posted by I Retire! on 03:01:2001 01:15 PM: I don't know, but Nismor, you know what happen when people call us PearlRidge people braggers, gay and etc. They get their ass kicked by us. Especially me with my spiderman right? hahahahahha. And After I kick your ass I will just embarrass you in front of everyone. And goes with the 50-100% chipped. I do believe in that stuff. Its to sweet to be true, but be amaze and get your butt here in hawaii and challenge us, and this goes out to all those people that call us weak and stuff. just bring it. "I Fucking Retire!" Posted by psx2000 on 03:01:2001 01:19 PM: um ok........... Posted by I Retire! on 03:01:2001 01:23 PM: So Nismor we go kick all this bastards ass for the shit they talk about us pearlridge people. hahahaha. And after we win, We just shout out I retire just for them. "I Fucking Retire!" Posted by Wil Power on 03:01:2001 01:32 PM: LOL! I Retire! Hahahhaha. Well just to clear things up, I am not Initial_D as you guys are claiming that I am. Initial_D is a friend of mine that I met when I went on vacation to Maui and then to Japan. He's cool and stuff and YES, I did teach him and his boys traps but not this specific trap that does this mad chip shit. Hey Nismor! I'm not Initial_D just to let you know. Btw, my poor Dhalsim and Cable did feel the power of the chip!!! The circuits, tracks, and courses are only part of the process of mastering the street. Posted by psx2000 on 03:01:2001 01:35 PM: ok if this is the real wil , i heard ur applying for a job , where are u applying at????????? cause only the real wil would know this. Posted by Wil Power on 03:01:2001 01:44 PM: i'm thinking of applying at a computer store. who is this PSX2000? Matt? The circuits, tracks, and courses are only part of the process of mastering the street. Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 01:47 PM: Ok first of all, traps no matter what they are can be broken, just like a good cable can be. Second of all i never said it was all that. This trap has been very old with me and i just decided to post it here to see what happens, shame to say most of you doggies just barked away, and I laughed LOL all day, hehe! All those that doubt me or r nuetral ,or hell even side with me, it dosn't really matter to me cuz when the time comes to" get dat ass whipped" i'll be there. I wished all those that oppose me could just line up in a straight line and challenge me at mvc2, I would just beat your asses all day long, probably bore me though, but i'd do it. BTW when i play i just don't fuckin concentrate on doing just one trap (like a fuckin scrubby bitch)i just play it shit comes along and when the opportunity presents itself i reap those profits. PLAIN AND FUCKIN SIMPLE! And this is especially for SON (sorry one nut/state of nature) ... FUCK YOU! with a smile of course . i can't beleive your still on my back like a gay fag. god damn i'm straight bitch, go and find some other homo. Fuck i think SON is a stalker or something. SON, if you must redeem yourself you must prove your self worthy in mvc2! -golden nismor 'its been awhile since some fire came out' pearl ridge posse-we bitch slap all that oppose! Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 01:54 PM: will/initial D, well from some sources i may have got you to homeboys crossed up n all and btw will you know my shit talk'n and post'n are all harmless. Its all good bro. Once again i speak crazy fuckin shit sometimes so Will hope you take no offense to my posts, Your a good guy dog, so keep up your goodness in helpin other potential mvc2 players, a legend of few you are; cable and magneto god! as all of us pearls boys know. well i'm no ken god, but master will do for me -peace Will, sorry man 'tea pots whisel sometimes' Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 01:56 PM: and from sources psx2000 is Matt, hope that helps Will -gn Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 02:08 PM: For anna williams, since you think you know so much about this chip game then why don't you post the exact specifics on how this trap is done, inlcuding tatics countering, pushblocking, and assiting. If you know so much i'm sure you'll have no problem in explaing this properly executed chipper game then right, cuz i know i can and so can darkumas. WELL, ANNA WILLIAMS: "EVERYONE IS WAITING! or are you afraid of making an ass out of yourself? Prove me wrong. -golden nismor 'has spoken' Posted by I Retire! on 03:01:2001 02:42 PM: Fuck anna. Anna don't know shit. THe only shit shim might know is to talk big and play like shit. No worry nismor we can take him out when he gets to hawaii. Fuck he no challenge for us. Remember WE RETIRE! "I Fucking Retire!" Posted by CykoClops on 03:01:2001 02:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Wil Power: LOL! I Retire! Hahahhaha. Well just to clear things up, I am not Initial_D as you guys are claiming that I am. Initial_D is a friend of mine that I met when I went on vacation to Maui and then to Japan. He's cool and stuff and YES, I did teach him and his boys traps but not this specific trap that does this mad chip shit. Hey Nismor! I'm not Initial_D just to let you know. Btw, my poor Dhalsim and Cable did feel the power of the chip!!! The circuits, tracks, and courses are only part of the process of mastering the street. u talking to urself again nismor? Posted by I Retire! on 03:01:2001 02:53 PM: Hey State of Nature (Short of a nut) Where are you from? Stupid Jacksville? You don't know shit,so don't talk shit to nismor. Nismor is a guy who's a top player in hawaii including pureelite and the other hawaii crew. So if you don't believe that he's ken can take you out in action, Just shut up and bring it. Don't talk, just walk. Everyone can talk like pussies like you, but all the hawaiian guys over here would love to see you walk up against nismor. And please tell me who you play with SON. Nevermind don't matter. The way you play with those character are gay anyway. so no need. Hawaiian Crew Retires! "I Fucking Retire!" Posted by Mike Z on 03:01:2001 02:59 PM: Hello my fellow people. I am skimming through the sites and I found this very interesting article about chipping 50-100% damage. This is very interesting and I was wondering if nismor can find other chipping that is 50-100% damage like this secret characters he's playing. As for the chipping. Nismor if you're in the corner can you push back on whatever you are doing? because most traps that are corner are usually disable when you push back. And I hope the people here like my video and this chipping is very interesting and I will try make a video about this 50-100% chipping. Thanx for the idea nismor. Good Work! Posted by Mike Z on 03:01:2001 03:04 PM: And if anyone needs any questions and help please e-mail me at thank you for checking out my video. Good Work! Posted by psx2000 on 03:01:2001 03:08 PM: i got a feeling that aint mike z i could be wrong but <> is his correct email address. also his web page he listed in his profile aint his homepage. its gaming matrix would he just post his homepage? Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:01:2001 07:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by psx2000: i got a feeling that aint mike z i could be wrong but <> is his correct email address. also his web page he listed in his profile aint his homepage. its gaming matrix would he just post his homepage? <IMG SRC=""> No shit... I mean if one of you Hawaii scrbs plan to imitate Mike Z, atleast use an account name similar to THE ONE HE ALREADY HAS, and by linking us to his homepage,, instead of some fake ass email you just made up... Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by Wil Power on 03:01:2001 08:06 PM: b][/QUOTE]u talking to urself again nismor? Strider: Dude, I'm not Nismor. Plain & simple. All I know is the dude on MIRC that hates Nismor =) Of course there are a lot more people that hates Nismor and stuff and I guess Nismor deserves it due to his shit-talking bragging arse. You may think that all these people from Hawaii is the same person but you have to realize yourself that there are other people who play MVC2. I guess i'm one of the few in Hawaii that can play other games besides the vs. series hehe. I like to play A2/A3/ST and wish I could go to B5 but due to some personal conflicts, I won't be going but will hopefully get someone to get some footage. Once at B5, Nismor & company (that doesn't sound right) play their favorite game, MVC2, they'll put up a good fight and their techniques are distinguishable as Nismor is reckless & the rest are very conservative. Nismor takes risks and he is really good, trust me on this, he is really good. But like everyone else, he does have his down points and loses once in a while (I can't believe he attained such status down here but I hope that will change in B5 with the more diverse styles of play and overwhelming amount of opponents! =) Well to make this long post short, Strider, I'm not Nismor and Team Hawaii will put a good showing, it's just that I don't know how good...or how bad. ^_^ Gotta go people, cya l8r! The circuits, tracks, and courses are only part of the process of mastering the street. Posted by State of Nature on 03:01:2001 09:35 PM: Does it seem strange to anybody else that the day people call Nismor on his lying, 3 new players from Hawaii all register that very same day, and all post on the same topic, and all say the same thing in the same way? I retire, "Mike Z" (by the way, his site is, so you can at least impersonate him better), and Will Power all registered today, all posted here, and all defended Nismor in the same insubstantial way. I'm not suprised, considering the last wave of Hawaiian posters all registered within 4 days of each other too. In my last post I brought up a series of points I wanted Nismor to address. I also predicted his responses wouldn't address them, because he is obviously lying. He's proven me right, I even predicted the crude sexual insults and the "LOL! hehe, zups bro!" garbage. It's also the height of hypocrisy for nismor to ask Anna Williams to prove his knowledge, since Nismor himself has not answered anybody's requests for information on his side. Look at my post on page 3 and address some of the points. Try to. It can't possibly make you look worse than the homophobic bigot you are. Nismor wrote: "All those that doubt me or r nuetral ,or hell even side with me, it dosn't really matter to me cuz when the time comes to" get dat ass whipped" i'll be there." That's really prophetic. Only you are probably predicting the wrong side. Posted by Voodoo on 03:01:2001 09:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature: Does it seem strange to anybody else that the day people call Nismor on his lying, 3 new players from Hawaii all register that very same day, and all post on the same topic, and all say the same thing in the same way? LOL. Sounds like "someone" is posting when he should really be practicing up for b5. ~v00 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right. Posted by BrEaThE ~525~ DeEp on 03:01:2001 10:34 PM: gn...once again i'm hearing about u on forums. not to hate...but i really do agree with these post about u trying to "up your ego" well if you really were all that wouldnt always have mention rather than having people just talk about you. To put it best..."a great man accomplishes great things with few words...the BOY just runs his mouth with out accomplishing anything" well basically...if you were gonna save it for b5 then you shouldn't have posted it up...its like...saying...look at what i can do....then saying but im not gonna show just bring it...well see how good u are at b5. "idiots, morons, and bafoons...OH MY idiots, morons, and bafoons...OH MY" (laughing at u silently in my mind) Breathe Deep. Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 11:12 PM: Well first of all, GOD damn "I RETIRE" you've got some hilarious post man, hehe! Good work! I'd love to see your spidy give a little some some on these mainland bitches! They need to step up to us Pearl posse and get the mvc2 OFFICIAL BITCH SLAP! of course courtesy of golden nismor. and this is for most of you'll mules: I post to post, not to make friends, not to pursue homosexual desires (cough cough... ah STATE OF NATURE), not to please, not for fame, JUST FOR FUN, period! I could give a rats ass about whether or not I'm not known, but now i guess thats too late, so I will just have to defeat all that oppose me and then say... well this is a classic line.... .... ...OH YEAH let me swing my arms up and out...."I FUCKIN RETIRE" of course with a grand smile -gn Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 11:18 PM: just to clarify things a little on this chipper trap: It's like so elementary for you peeps to say:" just push block it, haven't you ever heard of that?" WOW fuck man i ain't no scrub. Well now let me fuckin enlighten you: yes you can push block this trap, but understand if you have doom and sentinel in your face both doing moves you can only push block ONE CHARACTER, LET ME SAY THIS AGAIN ONE CHARACTER, and that will be doom. Have you ever seen what happens when dooms aaa gets push'd block. I need not say it cuz any half way decent player should know this already. -gn "any remarks now?" Posted by Exploit on 03:01:2001 11:35 PM: GN, you really seem confident in the team you chose, and I hope for your sake that it works. Even if the "infinite chipper" works, most tatics only works for a limited time until people catch on to it, then it becomes old news. And by bragging about how powerful it is, and how you can dominate people with it, you've possibly written a check that ur a$$ can't cash. And at B5, everyone will be expecting you to showcase your newfound skill. And all I have to say is this: If you win, you can do all the bragging you want; you've earned it. If you lose, you will forever be known as the biggest bullshit talker the world has ever known. The game has only just begun. Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 11:56 PM: thank you EXPLOIT -golden nismor 'how is it i find humor in so many things?' Posted by Spiral King on 03:02:2001 01:53 AM: whos the 3rd char>? Posted by will on 03:02:2001 01:54 AM: Everyone please. This is a waste of space and effort. If GN has a nice chip combo, good for him. If all his friends can do it too, good for them. If you think you can beat GN and his crew, or GN and crew, if you think you can take everyone else out, please wait till B5 and settle it then. Stuff like this just dilutes and doesn't serve any beneficial purpose. Check out this forum to see what I'm talking about : Peace, Will Posted by Wil Power on 03:02:2001 03:24 AM: Lemme just end this forum by telling all these hawaii peepz who like to talk trash a lot by saying shut up and don't reveal or post or even give a hint of any of your secrets if you don't want anyone to know. Just shut up and play and practice for B5. Don't get me wrong, you guys do have the right to post and stuff but if ya'll don't want anything like this happening again then just shut up, play, and hopefully surprise people at B5!!! Hey Shaun (Initial_D), what's up! Dude, come down here and get a car so you can come to Pearls. I don't care if you live in dorms, I can pick you up if you want, just pay for the gas money =P The circuits, tracks, and courses are only part of the process of mastering the street. Posted by llllllllll on 03:02:2001 03:31 AM: the trap is as dandy as candy. nuff trap talk, wil po and retire go to match making and get togethers, and posts thoughts bout' topic gn made or should i say the purple(sees no gold sorry) nismor, supposedly is talking to myself but posts was directed towards you folk. - "heaven or hell" - ggx, you decide Posted by Mike Z on 03:02:2001 05:17 AM: Its okay if you guys don't believe me that I am Mike Z. But I will prove it to you when I come out with a new video about traps. Because now days traps are very interesting to see. ANd when I come out with a video that's a trap. I will show you that I am not lieing. Good Work! Posted by I Retire! on 03:02:2001 05:28 AM: I don't know but yes nismor. We should show these mainland bitches what hawaii got. Just wait til B5 comes. I know I am not the best and all but I am sure that I can kick all you mainland, when I play seriously. But I all you guys that talk big, you ain't shit to me until you play me and beat me and nismor. "I Fucking Retire!" Posted by anna williams on 03:02:2001 06:11 AM: yo sorry to say boys but i have been playing mvc2 for about three months now. so it is not my strong game. but to my friends it is they know everything when it comes to mvc2. my true skillz are in tekken, and guilty gear x. also i will be posting some really nice combo vids for ggx in the near future. but when it comes to mvc2 yes you will beat me to a pulp and i admite this. remember i am not a master at this game yet. but when it comes down to it my friends do and they tell me everything. Posted by Javi on 03:02:2001 06:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mike Z: Its okay if you guys don't believe me that I am Mike Z. But I will prove it to you when I come out with a new video about traps. Because now days traps are very interesting to see. ANd when I come out with a video that's a trap. I will show you that I am not lieing. Good Work! Hahaha. The real Mike Z would correct his spelling, grammar, and his punctuation before he would post such nonsense. Posted by Truedragon on 03:02:2001 07:02 AM: Nismor get a life and stop posting as other personalities, like I retire,Mike Z, and wil power. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:02:2001 07:56 AM: This shows the true sadness of an individual when they have to post as several different personas. Golden Nismor, we all know that you are just using other names. You dont think anyone would suspect it was you since all of a sudden, out of nowhere comes all of these people defending you. Its really pathetic and a childish attempt to get attention, from the looks of it we are supplying you with what you want so much. Hope you and your multiple personalities have fun playing games by yourselves... I assume those combos are about as real as the friends you have here on SRK ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:02:2001 08:06 AM: Hmmm.. what if Nismor and his multiple personalities was actually Strider/Zeldie/FlowerGirl? Wouldnt that be some shit... I think another IP check is in order... Oh yeah, BTW, thats a pretty shitty attempt to impersonate Mike Z. I could have done a better job than that... And the REAL Mike aint even about traps.. He all about combos and literally findin every single fuck up in MVC2.. Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by Ronald-The-Virgin on 03:02:2001 08:20 AM: My name is Ronald and I retire sucking Nismors dick! But if anyone else wants head come to Pearlridge, i'll be the one wearing a dress. Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:02:2001 08:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ronald-The-Virgin: My name is Ronald and I retire sucking Nismors dick! But if anyone else wants head come to Pearlridge, i'll be the one wearing a dress. Uhh... What? Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by ganda1f on 03:02:2001 08:55 AM: Lol Javi and hypervipersniper. Maybe if everyone ignores this fucking wanker "golden nismor" he will go away. Posted by PsiANyd on 03:02:2001 08:57 AM: I had written a long and rather mean post about this ridiculousness and then realized there was no point. GN is probably gonna continue his utter nonsense and it will not change anything. I just didn't feel right talking shit about GN when it's obvious it's more appropriate to feel sorry for him. I understand your super chip team is gonna win B5 so you don't have to bring MvC 2 into it. I already know you are the greatest player alive. That's why you have to poorly imitate Mike Z. God that was about the gayest thing I have ever read to date on this forum. Thumbs up. <IMG> </img> "I brought a walking stick. CANE you believe it?" - Miaka [This message has been edited by PsiANyd (edited 03-01-2001).] Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:02:2001 09:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by ganda1f: Lol Javi and hypervipersniper. Maybe if everyone ignores this fucking wanker "golden nismor" he will go away. Ehh... Its been tried.. No such luck.. I say ban his sorry ass.. Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:02:2001 09:19 AM: I agree I think it is sad... and Ronald the Virgin what the fuck was that post about??? sheesh.. yeah we can try to ignore him but there are too many idiots that will buy into his bullshit.. basically I will just continue to make fun of him...he seems to like it ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by psx2000 on 03:02:2001 09:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by Wil Power: Lemme just end this forum by telling all these hawaii peepz who like to talk trash a lot by saying shut up and don't reveal or post or even give a hint of any of your secrets if you don't want anyone to know. Just shut up and play and practice for B5. Don't get me wrong, you guys do have the right to post and stuff but if ya'll don't want anything like this happening again then just shut up, play, and hopefully surprise people at B5!!! Hey Shaun (Initial_D), what's up! Dude, come down here and get a car so you can come to Pearls. I don't care if you live in dorms, I can pick you up if you want, just pay for the gas money =P The circuits, tracks, and courses are only part of the process of mastering the street. yo wil power if this is the real will i heard ur applying for a job at the place i work from a friend that knows u , if u want email me and let me know what department u want in , ill be glad to put a word in for you.i totally agree with what you said, hawaii players have skill but there is no need for some of the things that are said on the board ,i agree with u fully just be silent and wait to play. Posted by I Retire! on 03:02:2001 11:03 AM: Damn you guys are idiots thinking me as nismor. Damn you people don't understand shit, and for that mike z shit I don't believe his ass too, but that ain't me. So get things straight you dumb donkeys. "I Fucking Retire!" Posted by psx2000 on 03:02:2001 11:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Wil Power: i'm thinking of applying at a computer store. who is this PSX2000? Matt? The circuits, tracks, and courses are only part of the process of mastering the street. yo the computer store was compusa i heard from a friend of mine that knows u , u were planning to apply there if u want i can put in a word for u there , are u going to tech dept? or software cause software is planning on starting commision this week. tech is better cause u can take ur A++ certification for free.just email me if u want u dont know me. Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:02:2001 11:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper: I agree I think it is sad... and Ronald the Virgin what the fuck was that post about??? sheesh.. yeah we can try to ignore him but there are too many idiots that will buy into his bullshit.. basically I will just continue to make fun of him...he seems to like it ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! <IMG SRC=""> Yup.. And i seem to like making fun of him. I swear man... some people just dont know when to quit... Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by golden nismor on 03:02:2001 12:20 PM: well, well, well, must we all get so itchy on this topic! me golden nismor is just one person, and i only have one name here at shoryuken. com. I tell you all of you cock suckers this: I'm gonna make a list of all you prick bastards that have beef with me and when i show up to B5 i want to give each and every one of you COCK SUCKERS A GN BEAT DOWN. I luv it on how majority here 98% think i am of many when i am of only one. oh yeah my team again: ken, sentinel, doom, aka-all star team quote from gn -"fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, your cool, fuck you and you! AMEN and good night" -so many pathetic bastards here on this board, LOL i'm out Posted by golden nismor on 03:02:2001 12:24 PM: RONALD-THE VIRGIN- yo man i know who you are and its sad to say its u. All of us at pearls knows alls abouts you. Funny on how you show up there that not much peeps likes you bud. somethins wrong with you kid, you should just chill out and relax and have fun when playin mvc2. -golden nismor 'I shall say no more on this person' Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:02:2001 12:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: well, well, well, must we all get so itchy on this topic! me golden nismor is just one person, and i only have one name here at shoryuken. com. I tell you all of you cock suckers this: I'm gonna make a list of all you prick bastards that have beef with me and when i show up to B5 i want to give each and every one of you COCK SUCKERS A GN BEAT DOWN. I am sure we all believe you only have one name..that is an even bigger lie then all this skill talk you have.. you know what? again you have proven you cant respond with anything that contains substance..I guess State of Nature is dont KNOW how to ... and as far as wont get a chance to play anyone.. if your game skills are just as big a lie as your life here on SRK is then you wont make it past your first opponent.. quote: Originally posted by Golden Nismor:I luv it on how majority here 98% think i am of many when i am of only one. oh yeah my team again: ken, sentinel, doom, aka-all star team okay question so who compliments who? What assist do you use? Tell us ONE combo with any of those characters that is worth a damn...any of them? Say something that will help us have even more doubt in you than we already do... If thats the all-star team then everyone else must be using the GOD team... quote: Originally posted by Golden Nismor:quote from gn -"fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, your cool, fuck you and you! AMEN and good night" -so many pathetic bastards here on this board, LOL i'm out Okay so comes this stunning intelligence from Golden Nismor a bunch of fuck yous..then goodnite..what a guy.. and if you think we are all pathetic then why do you keep coming back looking for attention? if you dont like it here you know where the door is... no one is forcing you to come on here and LIE so please if you dont like everyone a favor and stay the fuck out.. HVS ps "Liars are only good for one thing..Lying on their back...Lying on the ground after a combo and Lying to basically Lying..." I am sure I will get a GREAT and INTELLIGENT response from GN..I am waiting.. ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! <IMG SRC=""> [This message has been edited by HyperViperSniper (edited 03-02-2001).] Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:02:2001 12:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: well, well, well, must we all get so itchy on this topic! me golden nismor is just one person, and i only have one name here at shoryuken. com. I tell you all of you cock suckers this: I'm gonna make a list of all you prick bastards that have beef with me and when i show up to B5 i want to give each and every one of you COCK SUCKERS A GN BEAT DOWN. I luv it on how majority here 98% think i am of many when i am of only one. oh yeah my team again: ken, sentinel, doom, aka-all star team quote from gn -"fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, your cool, fuck you and you! AMEN and good night" -so many pathetic bastards here on this board, LOL i'm out Hmmm... -2 karma.. I see the mods have begun to notice Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by golden nismor on 03:02:2001 12:41 PM: You know i can;t resist in responding to your post kid so here it goes: first of all i don't dislike or hate anyone here, in fact i luv all you chumps cuz thats whats makes mvc2 so hyped up just like most peeps here get when i post. For attention, na just to see what other mvc2 peeps think. BTW fuck yous are cool, i learned that from my english teacher, cool huh! Funny on how you HVS think i have no skills, well if i defeat you, then where would you stand on this skill level, i think i'm about to lol or something. another thing i posted this chipper combo just to see what peeps out there knew or have done, i never said this was my "ticket to winning B5" i'm not that smoked out. Secondly when i play as situations present themselves i just react and whip dat ass, plain and simple. again my aka team -ken(cable killer),sentinel(pixie bitch killer), doom(slut lockdowner). this team ain't god or nuttin unless its in my hands. phew, did i leave anything out HVS? -gn Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:02:2001 12:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: You know i can;t resist in responding to your post kid so here it goes: first of all i don't dislike or hate anyone here, in fact i luv all you chumps cuz thats whats makes mvc2 so hyped up just like most peeps here get when i post. For attention, na just to see what other mvc2 peeps think. BTW fuck yous are cool, i learned that from my english teacher, cool huh! Funny on how you HVS think i have no skills, well if i defeat you, then where would you stand on this skill level, i think i'm about to lol or something. another thing i posted this chipper combo just to see what peeps out there knew or have done, i never said this was my "ticket to winning B5" i'm not that smoked out. Secondly when i play as situations present themselves i just react and whip dat ass, plain and simple. again my aka team -ken(cable killer),sentinel(pixie bitch killer), doom(slut lockdowner). this team ain't god or nuttin unless its in my hands. phew, did i leave anything out HVS? -gn okay first of all if its a "chipper" then it cant be a combo... you know why? your chipping life..thats not a that is an incorrect statement.. still havent said exactly what assist you use and you havent mentioned one BIG combo with any of them... peep this...what is the best move to end an air combo with Doom? which move? you tell play him.. oh BTW...saying what they do ISNT their assist... ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by Cybermitsu on 03:02:2001 12:49 PM: Man I thought we ran you out with pitchforks and torches... If you guys think that he is bad now, you should have seen the things that he's said at gamefuckers... I mean They ranged from things about Ken (who is not "that" good) to how he was going to beat the crap out of Alex and Duc in MvC2 (who are "hella" good). For an actual take on the subject, my best chip "combo" would have Silver Samurai/Strider/Doom. Once you build up max supers, do the ice wave glitch with Silver Samurai (takes off about half). DHC into Strider's oroborus and then just trap him all day. You could get fancy and build meter with Strider during the trap and then DHC out through a Legion, Doom's Energy Sphere, Silver Samurai's Super Shuriken. Not too shabby... Cybermitsu - The only Silver Samurai player in So. Cal Posted by golden nismor on 03:02:2001 12:50 PM: Karma -2 is that good or bad? golden nismor/"karma king" "i think i'm on to something here " i think its ken whos causing the devilish flames to escape, hehe! -gn no worries moderators i'll chill out a little on my excellent vulagarity Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:02:2001 12:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Karma -2 is that good or bad? golden nismor/"karma king" "i think i'm on to something here " i think its ken whos causing the devilish flames to escape, hehe! -gn no worries moderators i'll chill out a little on my excellent vulagarity You have NEGATIVE KARMA which is lose your sheilds and dont get them back till you get positive Karma.. the only way you can do that is to do something good... UMMM Like not coming on here and braggin?? that could be a start.. sheesh... ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by golden nismor on 03:02:2001 12:56 PM: Yo HVS what is it that you want to exactly know about my team that i use? oh yeah sups cybershitsuo, long time no hello -gn 'old friends are always around, guess its a small world after all. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:02:2001 12:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Yo HVS what is it that you want to exactly know about my team that i use? oh yeah sups cybershitsuo, long time no hello -gn 'old friends are always around, guess its a small world after all. Nevermind I am not worried about it.. carry on ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by golden nismor on 03:02:2001 01:09 PM: Yo HVS try this: ken as point, go into shoyureppa, hyper cancel with proper timing into HSF, then just keep HSF until the guy dies or you run out of supers. Hows this sentinel as point, call ken aaa as ken connects jump up with sentinel and rocket punch, massive damage from to moves end dooms air combo either just super array, better yet, air grab in conrner then super photon array, if doom is low on life hyper cancel into sentinels ball super, it all connects. one of my favorites, ken as point, your opponent is in corner calls out his aaa and misses you jump up with ken as do his air hurricane kick HK and call dooms aaa out. the assist is juggled your opponent must block and you just repeat, death for assist abusers (just assister with out thinking) kens motto-launch, jab, HK hurricane kick, land jab grab, 60% plus in damage, (no super required) sentinel as point hover over opponents head call out kens aaa and just repeat. Just watch out for their aaa's sentinel can out fly most aaa's that come out. doom as point just jump up pea shooter, call out sentinels rocket assist, opponent gets too close call out kens aaa, it knocks everyone the fuck back, his aaa is invincible, of course only on the way up. plenty more... but for now hope HVS this helps you out -golden nismor Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:02:2001 01:12 PM: interesting... some of that sounds impossible.... call out Doom while doing the hurricane kick???? hmmm I dont think that is possible.. and jab..jab..before they hit the ground?? hmm okay...I will see if that works.. still sounds fishy... but @ least you did respond to me..hmm ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by golden nismor on 03:02:2001 01:22 PM: this is just for you HVS, you got to try this out bro, promise me you will, well here it goes: ken is point, works on most assists as long as their body size is not "funky" assist comes out, aaa are lovely cuz they land close to ken, launch them with fierce, jab, HK hurricane kick, this must be done quickly-hit short (you should still be in air when you do this), ken will land before the assist does and now you can do kens super that goes vertical or you can fierce launch again and repeat. well this does insane damage to assists, if you finish with kens vertical super it takes about 85% damage, if you launch again you will definitley kill the assist. well thats one of my more technical moves,hope you like it -gn Posted by CykoClops on 03:02:2001 04:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: this is just for you HVS, you got to try this out bro, promise me you will, well here it goes: ken is point, works on most assists as long as their body size is not "funky" assist comes out, aaa are lovely cuz they land close to ken, launch them with fierce, jab, HK hurricane kick, this must be done quickly-hit short (you should still be in air when you do this), ken will land before the assist does and now you can do kens super that goes vertical or you can fierce launch again and repeat. well this does insane damage to assists, if you finish with kens vertical super it takes about 85% damage, if you launch again you will definitley kill the assist. well thats one of my more technical moves,hope you like it -gn no one can trust gn, his always full of shit, he deserves negative karma Posted by Bruton on 03:02:2001 06:42 PM: Nismor you're a laugh, keep up the good work, everyone should smile. If you try stuff like that you will most probably get owned. Everyone knows about the Ken Hurricane AC glitch and Doom's traps and that stuff. I myself haved played against great players from California and I lost my fair share of games. A few hints... one team like that will not be able to beat everyone. If you hover above somebody's head with Sentinel, they might tag somebody else in and you eat whatever comes in... whether that's AHVBX3, or a snapback or a DHC combo, or an infinite. You will get owned. -Bruton Posted by golden nismor on 03:02:2001 07:50 PM: BRUTON,simple but effective tatics are the best ways to go. what else can I say, and Yes this one team CAN HANDLE ALL TEAMS, HINT-THEE ALL STAR TEAM -golden nismor Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:02:2001 08:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: BRUTON,simple but effective tatics are the best ways to go. what else can I say, and Yes this one team CAN HANDLE ALL TEAMS, HINT-THEE ALL STAR TEAM -golden nismor Your team gets raped for free by Cable/Doom/BLkhrt, a Spiral based team, and a Strider/Doom team. Having Ken as a point character means you DIE... Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by capshuma on 03:02:2001 09:43 PM: GN: It seems to me that you're posting of these various gamebreaking strats on this forum is some sort of validation in regards to your superior skill level. Newsflash my fine fellowed Hawaiian friend: you've accomplished squat I'm afraid because this all happens to be extremely basic stuff and won't necessarily guarantee success past the first or second round come B5. (If you're that lucky). Oh and that phenomenal chipping "combo" that you speak of was discovered, mastered, and cleanly countered months ago. As a matter of fact there are several variations in regards your masterful technique that have even more chipping potential (Begin GN mode) "but am gonna keep dat a secret dog so ma peeps can wreck shop EC style en den we gonna reetired,!"(end GN mode). OK I'll give in a little and toss you a bone alright. Get this *looks around* it has something to do with sentinel/doom and involves the *gasp* bomber drones *double gasp*. But I won't go into detail because frankly that would make too much sense which of course would go against the basic nature of this thread. GN, you kind of remind of myself years back when I littered the SF NG with my jargon. Only difference between you and I though was that the majority of shit I spewed was for trolling purposes, you, on the other hand, are just coming of like a complete moron and it is sad (no offense man is all good . Oh BTW, here's a variant to one of your precious gaming tactics involving that "all-star Team", it's SIMPLE yet effective according to your logic: -DOOM is point then KEN then SENTINEL. Basic 4-hit air combo in the corner, fwd dash then short, fwd (wait for character to come down) then air grab the opponent just before landing into photon super. Wait there's more! HC into ken's shoryuyeppa (aka: flaming rising thingy) after the first few initial hits (now pay attention dog cuz this one's tricky yo) HC into HSF. As the HSF ends launch your opponent and then execute the big man's basic 4-hit air combo into an air grab. (throw reversals and tech hits aside of course) Then short, fwd, cancel into flight mode and repeat air grab (are you following me on this one?). Then short, fwd, upward fierce RP then as opponent lands (if still alive which is highly unlikely) you can call out DOOM AAA and finish them off with YOUR stellar mad chipping "combo". Oops have I revealed too much?!? Oh well in any case Valle, Duc, and lil Master Wong are in big trouble now right GN? "Master" John (cable's bitch) *I don't need no stinkin sig cuz I'm just too damned lazy!* Note to GN: I predict that your whole team will die to cable single handedly come B5. Just a hunch I guess. Posted by Monkeyking on 03:02:2001 09:55 PM: bravo...capshuma...i was thinkin' to myself...and i guessed right...'bout his "combo" or "chipper"...thanx man for confirming my suspicions... Posted by darkumas on 03:02:2001 10:30 PM: Wow! I been gone a few days i come back and 6 pages? daaaamn. heheh for that last post about the chipper heheh its wrong way wrong got the characters right at least but got the setup wrong. anyways. Whew, lets see will's here and some other peeps dont think i know but hey how are ya =). I thought we closed this topic days ago? guess not, everyone is mad and stuff over nada too, thats the funny part =). and who is mike Z? and why would anyone want to impersonate him? Anyways, i think this topic needs to be closed and we move on to the next topic. Nothing being accomplished here. BTW javi if u read this, or any other mod's for that matter, send me an address i can mail u a tape of this chipper and u can post it on ur site, that will at least kill all of this mess i hope. Sad to say we gonna have our hands full at B5, especially if my shirt is gonna have my name on it, *thinks of all the evil looks he gonna get*. Darkumas Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by Monkeyking on 03:02:2001 10:47 PM: c''s gotta be somethin' like's the only thing that i can think of that will take off crazy damage in that amount of time...w/ sent/doom... Posted by ducks on 03:02:2001 10:47 PM: Notice how all of gn's names have the same spelling and grammar mistakes? There are lot of counters that get through the invincible trap too. whats your favorite planet? mine is the sun, because its the king of planets. Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:02:2001 10:53 PM: I agree with Dark.. Close this thread somebody.. Its really not gettin anywhere, but rather is just turning out to be some big ass flame war... And although it is fun, it is seriously wasting bandwidth. Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by capshuma on 03:02:2001 10:55 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by darkumas: [B]Wow! "I been gone a few days i come back and 6 pages? daaaamn. heheh for that last post about the chipper heheh its wrong way wrong got the characters right at least but got the setup wrong. anyways." I wasn't trying to specify your particular setup. I was merely stating that there are variations to this "chipombo" of which is supposedly this revolutionary tactic. It really isn't that big of deal buddy. Ever try sabes/spiral or even sentinel/BH/cyke variations? My main point is that you guys bring up this topic as if it's the end all of gaming dominance and yet refuse to reveal the details to anyone. What's the point then? Are you people THAT bored!? Lemme ask you this: If you guys are as great as you say you are why don't let everyone in on your lil secret then? I mean it shouldn't matter at this point because a) Noone aside from a Lei wearing master fighter would be capable of mastering it in time and/or b) even if they did master it YOUR unrivaled skillz would still prevail. I'll be awaiting your well thought out response. "Master" John (cable's punching bag) *sig this!* Posted by State of Nature on 03:03:2001 01:41 AM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by golden nismor: [B]Yo HVS try this: ken as point, go into shoyureppa, hyper cancel with proper timing into HSF, then just keep HSF until the guy dies or you run out of supers. Oh come on. The first info Nismor posts is: "I know how to DHC!!! And I know Sentinel's 'infinite' HSF combo!!!" Good luck at B5 dude. Posted by anna williams on 03:03:2001 02:08 AM: ok peeps i will end it. if you guys want to continue this then i say that gn pays for the bandwidth. because he is the one who started this thread and the one who wants the attention so lets just drop it now or gn you get to pay the bill. sound good guys Posted by psx2000 on 03:03:2001 08:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by darkumas: Wow! and who is mike Z? and why would anyone want to impersonate him? Darkumas " mike z makes a ton of combo movies i think his web page is Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:03:2001 10:39 AM: Golden Nismor most of your shit is BS BTW just for the hell of it.. I tryed all that stuff you posted as your combos.. number one...I was right.. YOU CANT CALL AN ASSIST when Ken is in the middle of his hurricane kick.. you cant jab and grab a character and it count as a combo with Ken either.. everyone is right..half of the shit you posted is basic shit...I knew most of it.. but alot of that unbelivable shit you posted.. I tryed it for shits and giggles.. NONE of it worked.. I couldnt do any of it..and like 12 other players around here tryed it and couldnt do it.. just as I thought..your combos are are false as your multiple friends posting here.. how lame SIGH ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by CykoClops on 03:03:2001 02:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by Strider Hiryu: Your team gets raped for free by Cable/Doom/BLkhrt, a Spiral based team, and a Strider/Doom team. Having Ken as a point character means you DIE... <IMG SRC=""> Prepare to DIE....[8/27] shhh! let the loser learn the hard way Posted by golden nismor on 03:03:2001 02:31 PM: Hey folks! whats going on tonight suckas? BTW, no matter what i say you'all r gonna feel the same about me /hawaii and on and on. so just to say it again, i don't give a damn oh yeah HVS i never said you can assist during kens hurricane kick, i just said call him out, da dumb ass use your brain you can simultaneously do a move and assist. oh yeah when B5 does come i can't wait to fuck you all up. the days r number and for all those pussies that don't challenge me well then you wont' have to worry about getting "devirginitized!"LOL -golden nismor, "step down fool" Posted by Evil on 03:03:2001 06:19 PM: People from hawaii actually post here? Interesting,state your name that you're known by at pearlridge hawaii people. Posted by Marek21 on 03:03:2001 10:28 PM: this is why died out... Posted by Cybermitsu on 03:04:2001 12:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: [B] oh yeah sups cybershitsuo, long time no hello [B] As usual, your typing skills astound me... Aside from the point, good luck to you "Gold-Plated Nismor" on your quest to defeat the top people in the country. It will be a futile one... Posted by golden nismor on 03:04:2001 01:13 AM: thanks cybermitsuo! I guess i'll take your support in a good way hey hey hey mareky21! gamefaqs died? or was that you? -gn Posted by Marek21 on 03:04:2001 03:28 AM: are you stupid or something? what did i just say? dumass, can't u read? Posted by CykoClops on 03:04:2001 03:33 AM: not only that gn can't read, he also sucks at mvc2, i've played his ken and i whoop him everytime..... yes gn i'm the guy who keeps kicking ur ass at pearls, how can you claim to be better than the others when u can't even beat me? Posted by CykoClops on 03:04:2001 03:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: RONALD-THE VIRGIN- yo man i know who you are and its sad to say its u. All of us at pearls knows alls abouts you. Funny on how you show up there that not much peeps likes you bud. somethins wrong with you kid, you should just chill out and relax and have fun when playin mvc2. -golden nismor 'I shall say no more on this person' stop talking to urself Posted by golden nismor on 03:04:2001 04:46 AM: Hey cycoclops if you did play me and beat me so bad like you been saying THEN I TELL YOU WHAT BRO: NEXT TIME YOUR AT PEARLS JUST LET ME KNOW THIS IS YOU THERE! I like challenging only good players hey i really think your full of tampons up there but if you did really play me then just let me know there UNLESS YOUR REALLY FUCKIN SCARED OF ME! you tell me kid! -gn Posted by psx2000 on 03:04:2001 04:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by CykoClops: not only that gn can't read, he also sucks at mvc2, i've played his ken and i whoop him everytime..... yes gn i'm the guy who keeps kicking ur ass at pearls, how can you claim to be better than the others when u can't even beat me? <IMG SRC=""> wow ur from hawaii to? where do u play at normally? u play anything other than mvc2? Posted by Reitterer on 03:04:2001 06:36 AM: Nismor, you silly boy! Ken, Doom, and Sentinel is not the way to go! Tourney team?.. Oh, flibbertigibbet! Allow me to show you the top-tier team my young sweet boy! Du, du, dun, du, dum!! Introducing! ROLL,DAN,and GAMBIT!! This team has it all! Cuteness, autographs, and best of all...Taunts!.. My gosh! That is something ol' Doom can never hope to obtain! He's a big ol' meanie! I shall present my team to you Nismor, my friend! Roll She's such a pure cute innocent little girl! Those bambi like eyes! Her cute dress!... and the exploding flowers! Oh my gosh! And how could you strike someone as sweet and cute as that!? Spiral may have a magnificant keep-away game!.. But Roll! If you hurt a little girl!.. You could never bare to look at yourself in the mirror again! This is why Roll is my ultimate character in MvC2!!!! Dan TOP-TIER in all aspects!! Players tremble towards the autographs of DOOM!... or Dan! And the super taunt! Your opponent shall laugh so hard, that they will pull up a chair, and enjoy the show!! Jerry Seinfeld eat your heart out! Yahooie!!!! Nismor! You could use a good laugh! Your all gloom young one! Gambit He is rather unkind! That big stick kinda scares me!.... But!.. He has the most ultimate move in the game! The GAMBIT GLITCH! Gambit does that wall kick move.. and flies away to da moon! (Gosh, Ralph Kramden must've taught him that!) Unless Ken and company join NASA and become astronauts in the next 80 seconds, He will be gone forever. Sniff! Gosh, I'm sure gonna miss him! So you see Nismor, Top-Tier isn't all about chipping and traps! It's about my sweet little Roll and her friends! You should consider using this team my friend! The love shall guide you! Posted by Marek21 on 03:04:2001 06:56 AM: u like challenging only good players? that must mean u lose cuz u're off the set. loser. hahahaha Posted by strider86 on 03:04:2001 09:57 AM: what's up hawaii players just was wondering what teams are u guys using at B5.I'm going to be in Hawaii during the summer staying at my house in Waipahu. where i used to live any way i was wondering if u guys are going to have like a practice session at pearlridge.anyway keep practicing your going to need it agains the mainlanders Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:04:2001 10:20 AM: Nismor you are an idiot... I really do hope you try to use this "chipper" of yours @ the tourney.. good luck... guess you will learn the hard way that ass-whippings dont feel good.. later Liar... ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by The Green Trench Coat on 03:04:2001 10:22 AM: quote: learn the hard way that ass-whippings dont feel good.. - - Green "God damn green trench's fireball is closing in *pant, pant*.. How was I supposed to know he doesn't like chicks..." Posted by CykoClops on 03:04:2001 10:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper: Nismor you are an idiot... I really do hope you try to use this "chipper" of yours @ the tourney.. good luck... guess you will learn the hard way that ass-whippings dont feel good.. later Liar... ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! <IMG SRC=""> well said, golden nismor won't be a threat at B5, he wouldn't even get past the first round hahahaha... or actually, he won't even qualify for it hahahahaha Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:04:2001 12:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by CykoClops: well said, golden nismor won't be a threat at B5, he wouldn't even get past the first round hahahaha... or actually, he won't even qualify for it hahahahaha <IMG SRC=""> Well actually, he can still qualify for the first round.. all you really need is $10. <IMG SRC=""> Prepare to DIE....[8/27] [This message has been edited by Strider Hiryu (edited 03-04-2001).] Posted by golden nismor on 03:04:2001 01:27 PM: To only the dickheads here: (coughcough) strider, HVS + many more of my favorites, if i don't make it passed first round then i god damn know you guys wont even make that! thank you very much -gn 'I like scrubs like you'll, a shitty warm up is better than nothing!' Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:04:2001 02:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: To only the dickheads here: (coughcough) strider, HVS + many more of my favorites, if i don't make it passed first round then i god damn know you guys wont even make that! thank you very much -gn 'I like scrubs like you'll, a shitty warm up is better than nothing!' SO we are the dickheads because we are tired of your bullshit braggin?? All you fucking do is brag about shit... why dont you be constructive and wait till the tourney is done before you start filling up these boards with bullshit that doesnt work!! Half of the shit you posted was old skool and the other half didnt work.. so I suggest you sit back down and try that stuff again.. Dont get mad when someone is tired of your are just bringing it on yourself... ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Posted by Evil on 03:04:2001 02:09 PM: You really enjoy bothering these people huh gn, but are you really as good as you say you are, i wonder. Posted by CykoClops on 03:04:2001 02:09 PM: more trash talking from golden shitmor .... Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:04:2001 02:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: To only the dickheads here: (coughcough) strider, HVS + many more of my favorites, if i don't make it passed first round then i god damn know you guys wont even make that! thank you very much -gn 'I like scrubs like you'll, a shitty warm up is better than nothing!' Im your favorite? ALL RIGHT! *Pumps fist while lifting leg* Do me a favor... Shut up. You only make yourself seem more retarded with each post. BTW, its spelled ya'll not you'll. Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by golden nismor on 03:04:2001 02:20 PM: Oh teaching me how to spell, O.K. striderhomo i guess i out to listen to the mvc2 nerd. LOL OMG! this hyru character cracks me up -gn "hope i spelled it (you'all right)hehe! Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:04:2001 02:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Oh teaching me how to spell, O.K. striderhomo i guess i out to listen to the mvc2 nerd. LOL OMG! this hyru character cracks me up -gn "hope i spelled it (you'all right)hehe! That was seriously the most pathetic attempt to flame i have ever seen. That's cool i make you laugh.. You make me laugh too, why with you owning everybody at b5 with your Ken team and your so called "chipper combo". Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by golden nismor on 03:04:2001 02:39 PM: BTW strider i have a new B5 team that i'll use. and thank you strider for your friendly comments, see yas around friend -gn Posted by perplex shyt on 03:04:2001 08:45 PM: what the hell is the combo though? Posted by golden nismor on 03:05:2001 02:41 AM: hey striderhyru & cycoclops will you two chumps be at B5? since i'm going i'll be there a few days early and i'd love to give both of you donkeys mad ass beat downs! let me know if you guys r gonna be there. BTW , you 'll be able to find me quite easy cuz my T-shirt will have BOLD PRINT: "GOLDEN NISMOR" "LICK DEESE NUT !" FRONT & BACK still debating on the second line hmmmmmmmm... -golden nismor Posted by darkumas on 03:05:2001 05:13 AM: ack somebody close this post alrdy. Darkumas Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by golden nismor on 03:05:2001 08:25 AM: ANYBODY WANT TO TAKE ME ON AT MVC2? how's about we place a little monetary wager per game, how $5 bucks sound to anyone? let me know , unless your a true scrub with novice skills -gn 'need to find good players, most are scrubs like at this board' Posted by CykoClops on 03:05:2001 09:16 AM: hey golden nismor, good game at pearls today.... i beat you 5 games in a row .... yep i'm the guy that you can't beat ..... now u know who i am... u really need to improve ur ken if your gonna beat the best in america Posted by dairy queen guy on 03:05:2001 10:20 AM: whats up golden nismor. don't listen to people who insult you. you too man don't insult people. don't mind anyone who puts you down though. i myself don't agree with a lot of what you say but i won't start insulting you like these fucking bastards. just don't mind them man. if your weapons are really as powerful as you need them to be they will speak for themselves. don't let any fuckheads get to you. and you too--don't insult anyone. good luck at b5. Posted by psx2000 on 03:05:2001 03:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by CykoClops: hey golden nismor, good game at pearls today.... i beat you 5 games in a row .... yep i'm the guy that you can't beat ..... now u know who i am... u really need to improve ur ken if your gonna beat the best in america <IMG SRC=""> are u really from hawaii? if so what arcades u play at? Posted by SyberNinja on 03:05:2001 04:36 PM: This thread is probably the longest thread i have seen in gen game diss in AWHILE besides viscants thread, Yet there is NOTHING and i mean NOTHING said on this thing...nothing impressive nothing worth reading and in fact..nothing worth repling too Yet i find myself repling anyway! <sigh> GN-you never seem to amaze me no matter how much of a trash talker and BSer i take you for you always seem to one up me and make it worse! You know what i hope to god when i go to B5 your the one i play first I can be the one to send you home packing! As for your chip "combo" i hope for your sake it does work! So you can be right about something for a change b/c no matter what your allstar team will never be as good as you put it...ever! oh well it is 7:30am and this Ninja needs his sleep, Hope you can cut down on your bragging and your "all star team" trash talking and maybe just maybe you will get your shields back! Just helpful advice from the Ninja...i just hope you take it! don't run from will just die tired...§N Posted by Galactic on 03:05:2001 07:35 PM: LOL geez people, you all sure get pissed off easily... 100% chipper combo that you can't get out of and you cannot escape... I'll believe that when I see... ah, hell, might as well just say that I don't believe that. Ok this site and these message boards are damn cool, so please don't hurt them by being such pricks. Thanks. ^_-; Posted by darkumas on 03:05:2001 10:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by CykoClops: hey golden nismor, good game at pearls today.... i beat you 5 games in a row .... yep i'm the guy that you can't beat ..... now u know who i am... u really need to improve ur ken if your gonna beat the best in america <IMG SRC=""> Im curious as to what day u beat GN 5 times in a row. cause friday i was there and he dominated for pretty much the entire night then i left. u didnt post then cause i checked this site yesterday and ur post wasnt here. saturday he was home all day and at my house all night along with the rest of the gang watching the B4 tape, and sunday he was home doing his school papers , and i spoke to him on several occasions on sunday. Not that im trying to say ur a liar, but seriously, which day could this be? for I dominated the machine before GN got, then I got owned by Chris's charlie team, ouch =) then other peeps played then gn dominated and was having fun and that was friday, and I alrdy said where he was on sat and sun. so clarify this for me will ya? thanks =) Darkumas Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:06:2001 02:43 AM: I wonder where Golden Nismor and his buddies are...?? Kinda funny we he isnt here neither are they... when he is here they are all here.. Hell! when he is here people we dont even know sign up to take up for him.. right now I think he has more friends on this board than they had participants @ the million man march.. sheesh.. ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! I like my men big & hairy Posted by darkumas on 03:06:2001 02:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper: I wonder where Golden Nismor and his buddies are...?? Kinda funny we he isnt here neither are they... when he is here they are all here.. Hell! when he is here people we dont even know sign up to take up for him.. right now I think he has more friends on this board than they had participants @ the million man march.. sheesh.. ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! <IMG SRC=""> I like my men big & hairy Ok Lemme clarify this for ya HVS =) thought u would have figured it out by now. We are all in the same time zone, hell on the same island so if he is not on its prolly because he at school and so is everyone else and for those that are out of school, like mahself, we are at work =). I happen to be an accountant so i got a pc at work that i can surf the net with =). There ya go hope that helps =) Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:06:2001 03:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by darkumas: Ok Lemme clarify this for ya HVS =) thought u would have figured it out by now. We are all in the same time zone, hell on the same island so if he is not on its prolly because he at school and so is everyone else and for those that are out of school, like mahself, we are at work =). I happen to be an accountant so i got a pc at work that i can surf the net with =). There ya go hope that helps =) Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" So Syber and I are on the same time zone.. we are not always on @ the exact same time.. almost all of the "GN groupies" are on the same time he is.. that is highly unlikely ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! I like my men big & hairy Posted by darkumas on 03:06:2001 03:29 AM: HEHEHEH ok HVS, believe what you will hehehe. its cool bro, im just tellin ya we all different peeps, myself,who,wilpower,initiald,psx2000,blacksmaru,Bi g Head, special Suace and i guess cycoclops too heheh and the !!!! guy, we are all different ppl heheh GN is GN man trust me when i say no one here is trying to impersonate him. Its kinda like some ppl think ur a dick here but to those that really know you ur not, same with gn here he is an idiot but to us he is one down to earth love to hand that smack down on ya with his worse team and shake ur hand after and say good game kinda guy =). thats prolly why some of our posts are in his favor i guess =) Ack rambling agian =). we are all different ppl HVS that i can tell ya. as for you believing well thats up to you =) Darkumas Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by evilazian007 on 03:06:2001 05:13 AM: Ok ppl, this shit has gone long enough as it is. Let me break it down for you: GN and crew/Pearlridge all-stars/Pearlridge bitch slap...etc...etc...Golden Nismor. Darkumas: GN Whoever else registers when someone disproves GN and is from Hawaii: GN You wanna know what GN stands for? I forgot, but GN's mother is a whore. So, my advice to everyone reading this shit is: stop replying. Yes, I'm from Hawaii, but I do not brag that I have whatever percent chip combo, that I have a gay-Ken rushdown (I have seen it in action, but that is countered like a mofo), that you can come to Hawaii and face a Pearlridge bitch-slap, whatever. GN, please, for the love of the game, shut the hell up. Save the trash talk for better represent Hawaii good...I mean 1st prize good, if you want to keep up talking that shit. It's like I'm assisting suicide...Don't hate me, hate your weakness. Posted by evilazian007 on 03:06:2001 05:15 AM: Ok ppl, this shit has gone long enough as it is. Let me break it down for you: GN and crew/Pearlridge all-stars/Pearlridge bitch slap...etc...etc...Golden Nismor. Darkumas: GN Whoever else registers when someone disproves GN and is from Hawaii: GN You wanna know what GN stands for? I forgot, but GN's mother is a whore. So, my advice to everyone reading this shit is: stop replying. Yes, I'm from Hawaii, but I do not brag that I have whatever percent chip combo, that I have a gay-Ken rushdown (I have seen it in action, but that is countered like a mofo), that you can come to Hawaii and face a Pearlridge bitch-slap, whatever. GN, please, for the love of the game, shut the hell up. Save the trash talk for better represent Hawaii good...I mean 1st prize good, if you want to keep up talking that shit. It's like I'm assisting suicide...Don't hate me, hate your weakness. Posted by DivineJudgement on 03:06:2001 05:26 AM: hahahahahahahahahaah what a dumb post!! In The End All Will Be Judged Posted by Onslaught on 03:06:2001 12:20 PM: HMMMMMMMMM.............Damn i think this is the longest post i seen in GGD for a while. A silver guy and a dreadful dude? Posted by Blacksmaru on 03:06:2001 12:27 PM: damn are peeps still thinking everyone from hawaii is nismor?....haha...thats funny, oh well...darky wont have that prob since he`s leavin the island.... Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:06:2001 01:03 PM: I see we have yet ANOTHER person from Hawaii with scrub status talking shit.. damn.. just kinda funny.. you never hear from the folks that posted about GNismor more than maybe 4 times... then you see like 3 or 4 new names show up.. bastards I have proven my point!! ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! I like my men big & hairy Posted by Evil on 03:06:2001 02:25 PM: I am from Hawaii, as far as this "pearlridge posse" thats bullshit, it's people who play mvsc2 at fun factory and for those type of cool/dorky people that i have seen, i mean jesus how dare to call that a "posse". And for the rest of you "Hawaii haters" because of a few people, No i am not GN i do not know of him though i may have seen him before and these others, but they didn't want to post there name they go by at pearlridge. Posted by CykoClops on 03:06:2001 03:05 PM: hey nismor why'd you shut up at these forums at started using ur other nicks, oh well there's no point using ur other nicks to stick up for urself cause YES i did kick ur ass 5 times in a row.... ok ok i promise next time i won't use Dan/Megaman/Cyclops Posted by golden nismor on 03:06:2001 10:08 PM: JUst to clarify things here. I am of one. Anyone who trie to imperosnate me, must be fuckin crazy unless they liked getting flammed like I. So to all of yo guys Gn=Gn and thats that. CYCOCLOPS, you beat me 5 times huh? okay then i guess you did beat me at mvc2 cuz when you were playin i was at home sleeping away. DON'T YOU GET KIND OF TIRED TALKIN TO THAT INVISIBLE NISMOR YOU WISH YOU COULD BEAT? YOU OUGHT TO PLAY REAL PEOPLE IN VERSUS SERIES. YOU MIGHT JUST GET BETTER. cycoclops=cycoSCRUB! "a want a bee" evilizan007-quick comment from golden nismor "i was rollin down in wakiki last night and I saw your mother from HOTEL ST. (more like hooker avenue ). She was desprately advertising business(body action) but no results were coming . So I golden nismor decided to say HELLO to her. After awhile of chatting 8 secs. I realized she was working so hard just to make enough cash for you to play mvc2 at the arcades. Gernerous as I was I gave her 99cents and told her to buy a JUMBOJACK (NO THIS IS NOT MY COCK EVEN THOUGH THE TWO ARE SIMILAR) . Well CONCLUSION,evilazian007 you suck terrribly at mvc2, you out to stop playin cuz your makin your momma work too hard at hotel ST.,wakiki, & merchant ST. (maybe thats your dad thats there... ?) ... ... ... i give you my sympathy kid. -gn Posted by darkumas on 03:06:2001 10:34 PM: I swear man if a Moderator doesnt close this thread delete it or all of the above im gonna go nuts man. come on guys i seen ya close threads that have a much lighter tone than this one. We got cursing like its cool, ppl talking bout mothers and the such and we got ppl registering under new names just to flame, and whats worse they stating they from hawaii. I dunno bout some of u but its kinda whacked when you got someone stating they from ur state and that u should shut ur arse, that just aint cool ppl. This topic stopped on page 2 i think, from then on its just flame on BS. That is just not cool, we all wasting bandwith, pretty soon no more and what? it was taken away due to a bunch of knuckle heads that didnt learn when to shut their trap? or didnt learn that famous saying? "not beacause someone says A u have to say B C D E F and G". He posted a chipper trap, he's not gonna send it nor gonna reveal it so thats that, end of disscussion nuff said. Omni, man i spoke to ya on a few occasions in IRC, cool person man, i know ya know this is BS and needs to stop and be deleted closed whatever. Im not trying to tell ya how to do ur job or when to do it. But as a surfur of this site im asking ya to delete. Darkumas Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by Onslaught2000 on 03:06:2001 10:59 PM: Evil:I don't think some the people hate hawii, just perhaps some of the people that come out of hawii. Not judging anyone, but you can talk alota crap even Gold Nimsor. But try not to get mad or anything. As for hating people who live in hawii, psx2000 is form there, and i think he's cool. All times are GMT. The time now is 04:02 AM. Show all 198 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.